Monday 26 May 2014

Cautiously Drifting ...

Cautiously Difting, endlessly observing.

We are the watchers who guard the night, we are the mediators who hold the light.
Carrying candlesticks of crimson guilt, melting, burning, fizzling out.
The streets are paved with lecherous promises; ones which end abruptly and chaotic.
These arbitrary spots are precious reminders of a past once clean.
Innocence lost, frivolity obtained.
Ghouls of an amber tinted glow; stalking a prey, feeding off knowledge.
The learned suffer, but Karma delivers retribution.
Like the cogs of a clock and the bees of a hive; the world we in habit keeps proceeding undeterred.
Entropy's curse; space, time and shock. The material decay, conclusion to a moral clock.
Impulsive vices are inconsequential, superficial to the fastidious consumers of the unhindered conformity.
Lambs to the slaughter, cannon-fodder in a domestic space.
We are the human race. Fallible and idiotic. Watch how we trip over our own feet.      

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